Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hall & Oates? Or just Oates?

We were ordering some mundane shipping supplies from Uline today when we were pleasantly surprised to find out we qualified for a free gift. Ooooh!! A free gift?! We never win free gifts!!

The suspense was killing us. What could it be? A pen? A bike? A new car??

Nope. Probably the most random free gift in the history of free gifts:

That's right. Either a Hall & Oates CD, or a solo Oates CD.

Everybody knows Oates is nothing without Hall (or a mustache, for that matter). Total no-brainer.

Which one would you have chosen?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Oomphalapompatronium

Leonard Solomon makes his own whimsical musical instruments. This organ-esque contraption is as awesome as its name:

He reminds me of Doc from Back to the Future. Long live crazy white-haired inventors.

Via Laughing Squid.
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